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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Motivation Mondays and Lately I'm Loving (Holy Grail Products!!!)

Don't get too excited ladies, I don't have a real "Motivation Monday" interview to post today, but I will update you all on how I am doing with my fitness. Yesterday I posted that I finally fit back into size 4 pants which I haven't done in a few years (I'm typically a 6, which is great, but I wanted to get back down to a 4 because I was carrying some extra bulk in my thighs and hips.)

I was frustrated because I had been working out so much and didn't feel like I was getting results-but now I know that's not true.
I think as women, we are often too critical of our bodies to see the changes happening before our eyes.

I know now that all of my hard work has indeed paid off.
I can also safely say I am addicted to working out and I have some advice for ladies looking to get fit this year: DO NOT count on a gym.

That's right. For years and years every time I wanted to get fit, I would join a gym and go and do the same tired old cardio and weight machine routine. I didn't even know what I was doing, what my goals were...I was just lost, going from machine to machine mindlessly (I'm not saying this is how everyone who's new to the gym starts off, but that was me.)

If you're like me, and you get stuck in ruts, get out of the gym and get into a pilates studio that only offers pilates, or one that offers both pilates and yoga.

I go to
Your Body Center in Houston, and they have some special pricing going on until January 31st if you are in the area and would like to try it. I also started to see a personal trainer at River Oaks Fitness. Mike is my trainer and he is awesome. He told me during my last session that he actually trains me at the level he would train someone who has been training with him for 2-3 months. It made me feel good to know I was really being challenged and that my pilates classes have made such a dramatic difference in my core strength.

For some reason, I get EXCITED to go to pilates classes, yet I dread going to the gym. I actually might consider just getting an unlimited monthly membership to the pilates studio and having that as my main workout, but I still want to have a gym membership so I can do cardio. Then again, I could always do cardio outdoors or at home.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind gyms, I just don't feel a sense of direction at the gym. I don't feel I have a plan when I'm there. In class, you just follow the instructor and really challenge yourself, much like you do with the coaching of a personal trainer (which I also recommend if you can get a good deal.) Check out
Groupon for personal training deals in your city.

Anyways, that's just my advice, take it with a grain of salt. This is just what works for me and gives me results.

Before I go, I want to talk about a few products I am loving and are creeping up to Holy Grail status (!!!!!!!)

1. Pureology Nanoworks shampoo.
I convinced myself I finally hit the deep end when I bought a $50 bottle of shampoo (okay, maybe it was $53 but it pains me to write that.) Let me tell you something about this shampoo. It makes me feel like I have different hair on my head. Like my old hair just "went somewhere else in the universe" and my new hair moved in. I don't know quite how to explain it, but my hair has a different...texture to it. It feels very smooth and just...different. I don't know if I can use another shampoo. The most amazing part is I never lose any volume. It's like the shampoo makes your hair more...manageable. Honestly, I don't even hate my hair anymore or think I need a major change. I feel my hair is different. I don't know if it's an "I spent $53 on this bottle of shampoo so it better be good" delusion or if it's real...but it FEELS real. If you are as insane as me, and want to spend that much to try it, I highly recommend it. How do I justify it? I only wash my hair ever 3-4 I figure the bottle will last me long. Uh-huh. Yep. Plusalso, on Sunday at Starbucks the girl taking my order told me that I had gorgeous hair. So it MUST be working...right? right?

MAC Feeling' Good Lip Conditioner (SPF 15)
MAC's website describes this as a "light neutral beige" but to me it looks like a soft baby beigey-pink...and we all know I'm a sucker for baby pink anything. I bought this because I was looking for a lip conditioner with SPF (for the vaycay) and for something with a teeny tiny bit of color. It is so good. Not only is it actully a good product (makes my lips so soft and moisturized) but the soft color actually gives my lips a really natural apperance but with a little something extra. Most of you know I'm not really a "product on the lips" kind of person...but I love this so much I reapply like a psycho all day. Love love love. I've been waiting for MAC to come out with a light color in these, because I own the "Petting Pink" one and don't love it as much (too much color I guess.) I really recommend this balm if you love nude, light pink and beigey glosses.
3. Bobbi Brown Gel Liner in "Black Mauve"
Okay. I know I said I would never cave and stray from my beloved MAC Fluidline gel liners...but but but...this beautiful, shimmery eyeliner caught my eye at Neiman Marcus and it was at first sight. Plus...BB liners stay on like crazy. I am confident I could jump into the ocean, swim around like a mermaid and emerge, with my liner perfectly intact. I had to start using eye makeup remover. Serously, it's that good. I have even been neglecting my precious MAC "dipdown" liner because I love this color so much (it's not black or's more of a dark brown with a shimmer to it.) It is described on her website as a "deep chocolate mauve" yum! If you are looking to try a new liner and you need crazy staying don't walk to a BB counter and I promise you won't be sorry!

Thank you so much for reading!

Before you go (if you like) tell me about your fitness goals and progress and let me know if you've discovered any awesome products I should know about (just please, for the love of God, don't tell me if it's another $50 shampoo!)



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