Our Christmas tree is still up. Our house needs a deep cleaning. I actually DID do laundry, but there's more. Oh and my closet is also a mess again. Massive massive mess and disorder.
We have no groceries, we haven't cooked (I'm eating cheerios and wheat thins with peanut butter for dinner and gross lean cuisines for lunch.)
It's been nearly a week since we got back and I just haven't gotten it together yet. I'm getting my hair done and shopping Saturday (because Lord knows I can't go a week without doing SOME kind of shopping- but at this point, it really should be groceries.)
My one accomplishment this week was actually going to pilates class tonight, where I felt so out of shape it was borderline embarrassing. At one point, the instructor said change levels if you're tired...I'm pretty sure he was referring to me.
So, what's the plan to get things back to normal? I'm going to knock it all out this weekend. If I don't, my entire next week will lag on like this one has, and another seven days will go by with everything out of whack, and I can't let that happen, because I will go nuts.
As many of you know, my husband lost his job last April, and this past Monday he started a new job. I am so happy for him and proud of him, but I will definitely admit it has been a massive adjustment for me, for us both. In addition to being away for a week on vacation, we came back to a situation that was a complete 180 from the last 9 months. I definitely have to learn to divide everything up again now that we are both working.
For example, I haven't done groceries since May. I might have to take on that duty again since I actually enjoy picking out what kind of food we buy. It was nice not to have that on my list though.
Sorry for the boring entry, they will be back to normal next week, when I feel some relief from the sudden changes and lack of consistency going on in my life right now.
I think I'm just one of those "needs to have a schedule" people.
Thanks for listening. Do you still have your tree up? I hope at least one person says yes.