Today consisted of yet another uninspiring shopping trip. I'm really starting to wonder why I even bother anymore.
Shopping used to be fun and inspiring and exciting and lately it's been sad, disappointing and just plain dull. I'm still crossing my fingers that it's all because we're still in between seasons, because if this is what I have to look forward to, then my savings account is going to quadruple this spring/summer.
I haven't been to Forever 21 in months. MONTHS. So I decided to go to a mall that had one today and it was the most awful shopping experience I've ever had there, ever. The entire left side of the store was various items that had stripes on them. Seriously. A quarter of the store was stripes. Thin stripes, thick stripes, black and white stripes and colored stripes. Just horizontal freaking stripes everywhere. I wanted to cry. Now, don't get me wrong, I love stripe, but for the love of God they could have changed the name of the store from "Forever 21" to "Shop here if you heart stripes!!!!!!!"
UGH. So then I checked out a few more stores and they too, were uninspiring. So, I obviously didn't buy any clothing or accessories, but I did have a purpose to my mall trip. I had somehow run extremely low on all of the makeup I use on a daily basis, all at the same time, which almost never happens.
So, I visited Sephora and MAC to pick up my essentials.
SELF-ESTEEM BOOST ALERT!: While at MAC, one of the male makeup artists came up to me and told me my makeup looked gorgeous and that I did "such a great job applying it." Thank you, awesome guy at MAC, for making my day!
Here's what I got:
Shopping used to be fun and inspiring and exciting and lately it's been sad, disappointing and just plain dull. I'm still crossing my fingers that it's all because we're still in between seasons, because if this is what I have to look forward to, then my savings account is going to quadruple this spring/summer.
I haven't been to Forever 21 in months. MONTHS. So I decided to go to a mall that had one today and it was the most awful shopping experience I've ever had there, ever. The entire left side of the store was various items that had stripes on them. Seriously. A quarter of the store was stripes. Thin stripes, thick stripes, black and white stripes and colored stripes. Just horizontal freaking stripes everywhere. I wanted to cry. Now, don't get me wrong, I love stripe, but for the love of God they could have changed the name of the store from "Forever 21" to "Shop here if you heart stripes!!!!!!!"
UGH. So then I checked out a few more stores and they too, were uninspiring. So, I obviously didn't buy any clothing or accessories, but I did have a purpose to my mall trip. I had somehow run extremely low on all of the makeup I use on a daily basis, all at the same time, which almost never happens.
So, I visited Sephora and MAC to pick up my essentials.
SELF-ESTEEM BOOST ALERT!: While at MAC, one of the male makeup artists came up to me and told me my makeup looked gorgeous and that I did "such a great job applying it." Thank you, awesome guy at MAC, for making my day!
Here's what I got:
From MAC: Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation (C3); Studio Finish Concealer (NC20)
From Sephora: NARS Laguna Bronzer
; Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder
; Philosophy Microdelivery Mini Peel Pads
The Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder is a new one for me and I bought it solely based on Giuliana Rancic's recent i-Village interview where she said it was one of her favorite products. She always has such pretty skin so I trust her recommendations. You can read about her other fave products here. Doesn't she just always look glow-y? I love it.
From Sephora: NARS Laguna Bronzer
The Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder is a new one for me and I bought it solely based on Giuliana Rancic's recent i-Village interview where she said it was one of her favorite products. She always has such pretty skin so I trust her recommendations. You can read about her other fave products here. Doesn't she just always look glow-y? I love it.
I still love my YSL touche eclat highlight pen but any eye brightening products are pretty much obsession-level for me, so I love to try new ones. I also love the Benefit Eye Bright
pencil and will continue to use it in collaboration with other products.
...and, before I go, a story about good karma:
After I left Sephora today and shopped around for a bit, I had the sudden urge to look at my receipt. I realized that the total on my bill was only $60 and that I had not been charged the $33 for my NARS Laguna bronzer. I couldn't believe it. I went back to the store and paid for it, and the girl who rang me out was really sweet and appreciative and was kind of stunned I came back. I mean, it's not like I got a free chocolate bar! I would have felt too guilty using the product knowing that I hadn't paid for it, even if it wasn't my fault. So, hopefully good things will be coming my way (and by good things, I mean I hope
Happy weekend ladies!