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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Exhausted---Sunday Cleaning

This morning, I started my day off right and had a session with my trainer.  It was such a wonderful way to end my weekend.  After that, I went grocery shopping---and though that's already a pretty good amount of effort for a Sunday, I had another task on my mind.

Cleaning. Like a deep cleaning. Like a "we moved the couches" kind of cleaning. I started the cleaning frenzy as my H went to the gym and then when he got home we did some teamwork cleaning---everything from dusting to vacuuming, to windexing to cleaning the hardwoods.  I lit a bunch of Bath and Body Works holiday scented candles too so it smells so lovely in here.

It was a lot of work, but now our home looks so organized and clean---it's such a stress reliever! 

I know ya'll have seen our home before, but I was playing around with my new camera after we cleaned so I thought I'd include these shots:

Ahhhhhhhhhh........clean feels good!

Hope you had a lovely weekend!


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