Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Blog Sale: Update

Thank you SO much to everyone who took the time to look at the sale and to email me with the items they were interested in.

I had a commitment last night that I could not forgo, so it will not be until tonight that I organize everything.  I plan to go through all of my emails and confirm everyone's orders and then contact them to arrange the PayPal stuff etc.

I do have some items that were on hold pending size confirmation. Some of those on hold items have been released again because the size was not what the person had wanted. I plan to go through emails and offer the item to the next person who had emailed about it to reserve it.

Thank you again for your time and interest! Expect to hear from me tonight.



PS- Candice's blog sale is going to be up this week or early next week and I might add a few more items of my own so watch out for that.
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