I have been a very lucky girl lately. I never win anything, but I guess my luck has changed because a couple of weeks ago I was the winner of a MISIKKO "hana" flat iron in a giveaway hosted by the gorgeous Tiffany over at Big Hair Bigger Lashes. Thank you Tiffany and MISIKKO for such a wonderful giveaway!
The best part? It's PINK!!!
It also came with this wonderful PINK travel case as well as a satin hair serum and a heat resistant mat that you can place your hot styling tools on!
I used it today really quickly just to run through a couple of pieces of my hair and it really worked well. I'm going to wait to give a full review until I can use it on freshly washed hair to style it. I love that the flat iron has a temperature adjustment so you can choose how hot it is. I also love how lightweight it is. It feels lighter than my CHI. For comparison, here is the hana and the CHI side by side.
I just love how cute it is! I think the travel pouch it came with will be extra handy too. Thank you again for such a generous giveaway...and if you want to see some gorgeous makeup looks, including a gorgeous smokey eye, make sure to check out Tiffany's blog. More to come on this flatiron.
Today I stopped by at Walgreens after work because I needed to pick up a few things. PSA to all: Walgreens is buy one get one half off on all L'Oreal and Neutrogena products. I had to take advantage and get some of my staple products which included:
I picked up two cans of L'Oreal Sublime Bronze airbrush self tanner because it's about $10 a can, so when I can save on this I try to!
I picked up another bottle of my favorite moisturizer, Neutrogena for sensitive skin:
I like to buy on sale, so oftentimes my bathroom cabinets end up having a stock pile of products:
Oh how I heart self tanner!
I also took a risk and bought another Neutrogena product: the SPF 25 Eye Brightening Pen. I refused to spend the money on the YSL Touche Eclat so thought this might be a nice $8.99 alternative.
I swatched it and it's more like a concealer than a highlighter, but I like it for the under-eye area (I used a bit under my eyes when I got home just to experiment with it.) I'll apply it on a fresh face tomorrow.
I really like the packaging of this product. I think it looks sleek and expensive. More to come on how I like this for the under-eye area. I typically don't have dark circles but I do like to brighten the eye area because it really makes you look awake and fresh (especially in the morning when most of us need it!)
There is the product not rubbed in at all.
There it is with flash.
and rubbed in:
I also have an OOTD to share before I go. I think I wore this on Tuesday? All black...what I'm trying to get away from! LOL:

Skirt-Ann Taylor; Top-Costa Blanca; Cardigan- Express; Shoes- Michael Kors; Necklace- NYLightMetals on Etsy.
I will announce my contest winner tomorrow...probably in the later afternoon or evening.